Fantasy World Without Info-dumping

How to Build Your Fantasy World Without Info-dumping

Building a fantasy world is probably one of the best parts of writing fantasy. You get to play around, set up rules, and think up settings (also, ~dread~ name locations and things). It all resembles an elaborate game you play with yourself. Until it’s time…

How to Choose the Right Software and Device for Writing

How to Choose the Right Software and Device for Writing Your Book

I’ll be honest, I’ve tried it all. From a simple Word doc to mobile apps and those online writing apps where everything else is blocked. If it was something related to writing, I’ve tried it (and promptly discarded it a few days later). There are…

plotting vs pantsing

Plotting vs Pantsing: The Great Writing Debate

You can tell a lot about a person by knowing whether they like to plot or pants (or, alternatively, nothing at all). Me, I’m still undecided. Sometimes I feel like plotting. It doesn’t always go well, but I do it. Plus, one of my astrologist…

useful files for writing

Useful Files For Writing Your Novel (With Templates You Can Copy)

Writing a novel is an experience I both wish everyone could have and one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It’s exciting, it’s exhausting, you’ll love it, you’ll hate it. But there are some things I found to make the journey easier. 1. Master…